Longitude : -3.5367681 (3º 32´12.365´´ WEST)
Latitude : -43.4899878 (43º 29´23.956´´ NORTH)
Santander | 42 Km.Tiempo aprox. 00:30 h. |
Bilbao | 76 Km.Tiempo aprox. 00:50 h. |
Laredo | 23 Km.Tiempo aprox. 00:18 h. |
Santillana del Mar | 66 Km.Tiempo aprox. 00:44 h. |
Parque de la Naturaleza de Cabárceno | 37 Km. Tiempo aprox. 00:27 h. |
Exit No. 184 in A8 (Beranga, Noja, Isla). Follow the signs to Noja.
Along the Northern A-8 motorway, take exit No. 184/185(Beranga, Noja, Isla) exiting to the town of Beranga. Follow the signs to the village of the NOJA along road CA-147. Once you reach the entrance to the village and see the Pharmacy on the left, exit onto the roundabout and follow the signs to Playa de Ris. Go down Avenida de Ris until you see the beach in front of you, and turn left, leaving the sand dunes to your right. We are located on the left side of Playa de Ris (Ris Beach).